Take Advantage of Sick Child Care and Emergency Child Care

Family Resource Center’s (FRC) Sick Child Care brings quality care and peace of mind to MSU parents when their children are mildly ill. This service brings qualified home-care aids into your home to look after your ill child when you are unable to take time off work or school.

Each MSU family is eligible for 16 hours of subsidized sick child care per child, per fiscal year, to be used in blocks of three hours or more. If a family requres more than 16 hours of care they may call FRC for authorization to extend the hours of care provided, depending on the nature of the illness and recovery time. MSU subsidizes 70 percent of the cost, meaning Employees only need to pay $5.80 per hour for a home aide.Continue Reading… Take Advantage of Sick Child Care and Emergency Child Care

Happy Thanksgiving, MSU! What are you thankful for?

In spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, we asked MSU faculty, staff and students what they were truly thankful for. Here is what they had to say:"Give Thanks" Gourd

Spring Eisenzimmer, senior, Hospitality Business major, Akers Forest Golf Shop associate: “I’m thankful for my friends and experiences these past four years in the Spartan Marching band.”

Cindy Brink, Kellogg Center Gift Shop employee, was happy and thankful for her job.Continue Reading… Happy Thanksgiving, MSU! What are you thankful for?

“Where’s the Pig?” FSA Contest Answers and Winners

Thanks to everyone who played our “Where’s the Pig?” FSA Contest! We can now share the campus locations of our piggy bank mascot:

Piggy Bank
Our FSA piggy bank mascot was spotted at Spartan Stadium!
  1. Wharton Center
  2. The Guernsey Michigan Garden in the Arboretum
  3. Case Hall
  4. Mary Mayo Hall
  5. Spartan Stadium
  6. Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum
  7. Bessey HallContinue Reading… “Where’s the Pig?” FSA Contest Answers and Winners

“Where’s the Pig?” FSA Contest 2012!

During this year’s Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Open Enrollment, our piggy bank mascot disappeared! We caught sight of him at several places on campus. We hope you can help us find him!Piggy Bank

Visit this link to enter our “Where’s the FSA Pig?” contest! There are seven photos, and you need to guess where the piggy bank is in each of these photos taken on MSU’s campus. The first person to guess all the photos correctly by 1 p.m. on Monday, November 12 will win an FSA piggy bank. If nobody guesses all locations correctly, the winner will be the first person to get the most locations right by Monday, November 12. We’re also holding this contest on Facebook and Twitter. There will be one winner from each website!Continue Reading… “Where’s the Pig?” FSA Contest 2012!

SourceLive Email Subscriptions: a step-by-step guide.

How to subscribe to the SourceLive blog via email

Get connected and stay connected by subscribing to receive SourceLive posts in your email box, rather than visiting the blog. Follow these steps to subscribe via email:

1. Go to the SourceLive blog’s home page at www.sourcelive.hr.msu.edu.Continue Reading… SourceLive Email Subscriptions: a step-by-step guide.

MSU Construction Trivia Answers & Winners!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our MSU Construction Trivia Contest! Out of our many participants, we had six people get all of the answers correct. Our two winners who sent in their answers first were Sue Hopper and Ann Taft!

Both winners will receive a prize pack, courtesy of MSU Physical Plant!Continue Reading… MSU Construction Trivia Answers & Winners!

Health4U Trivia Winners & Answers!

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Health4U trivia contest. Also, thanks to Health4U for the prizes and allowing us to select three winners! The three people who sent in the correct answers to all of the questions first were Teresa Cherry, Ruth Mair and Maggie Kelly. Congratulations!

Health4U Logo

Here are the correct answers in bold:

Health4U programs/services focus on:

  1. Emotional/ Physical Wellness
  2. Self-Care Education
  3. Nutrition
  4. Tobacco Cessation
  5. All of the above

How many campus walking loops are listed on the Health4U website?

  1. 12
  2. 15
  3. 21
  4. 25

Which of the following is not a Healthy Relationship Series course topic?

  1. Never go to Bed Angry
  2. Exploring Healthy Relationships
  3. Improving Communication
  4. Learning to Listen

Guided imagery can be used for all of the following except… ?

  1. Improve the quality of your sleep
  2. Heal from past painful events
  3. Improve your relationship with your own body/self image
  4. None of the above

Which of the following is NOT offered as a Food and Nutrition course?

  1. Recipe for Health Cooking Series
  2. Good food makes for good souls
  3. Kitchen Skill Drill
  4. How to eat… resolving the weight dilemma

Health4U Trivia Contest!

Michigan State University cares about the health of its faculty, staff and retirees. That’s why the University Physician’s Office developed Health4U, MSU’s health promotion program. Health4u offers programs, services and activities designed to promote healthy lifestyles and make a positive difference by improving personal health across campus. If you haven’t learned about all of the benefits that Health4U offers, take time to review their website.

While you’re browsing Health4U’s programs and activities,  try to find the answers to the trivia questions below. The first two people who submit the most answers correctly to HRcommteam@hr.msu.eduwill win a special prize courtesy of Health4U. Good luck!Continue Reading… Health4U Trivia Contest!

Energy Transition Plan Winners and Answers!

Thanks to everyone who played in Friday’s Energy Transition Plan trivia!  The two people who sent in the correct answers to all of the questions first were Ken Beer and Nancy Bieber. Congratulations, Ken and Nancy!Energy Transition Graphic

Here are the correct answers: (The correct answers are in bold!)

Approximately how many buildings are there on MSU’s campus that require a constant flow of energy?Continue Reading… Energy Transition Plan Winners and Answers!

Energy Transition Plan Trivia

Michigan State University’s Energy Transition Plan was created by the Energy Transition Steering Committee, to develop a long-term plan that will help MSU reliably meet its future energy needs while considering future energy costs and environmental impacts. The committee recommends that the long-term vision for the university should be to transition to a campus completely powered by 100% renewable energy sources. President Simon has received the plan from the committee, and the MSU Board of Trustees is scheduled to vote on the plan in April.

Everyone should become familiar with the plan before it is voted on… so we decided to make it fun! Read through the plan and try to find the answers to the questions below. If you are one of the first two people to email the most correct answers to HRcommteam@msu.edu, you will receive a special Be Spartan Green goody bag! We will announce the winners on Monday. Good luck!Energy Transition GraphicContinue Reading… Energy Transition Plan Trivia