As we ring in the new year, we’re reviewing the SourceLive blog and our current content. Please help us in making some decisions by taking our feedback survey.
Month: December 2011
“Fun Friday” Contest Winners 12/29/11
It’s our final “Fun Friday” contest! We’ve appreciated everyone’s support of the blog thus far, and we are looking forward to growing in 2012 (and we’ll still have some contests!). Our final winners are:
- Subscriber winner: Linda Steinman from Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
- Comment winner: Joyce Brennan from Educational and Support Services, who commented on This Week’s Event Round-Up 12/5/11!Continue Reading… “Fun Friday” Contest Winners 12/29/11
Environmental Tips for the Winter Season
With the help from Be Spartan Green, we’ve put together a video of environmental tips for this cold winter season. Here are some of the following ways you can save money and energy this season and help protect our environment, especially when you’ll be leaving the office for holiday breaks.
Top Tips:
-Turn off all unneeded electronic equipment. Unplug all electronics or turn off the surge protector so they don’t use stand-by energy.
-Use plug control equipment such as the Smart Strip available at University Stores.
-Take the time to clean out and defrost refrigerators and freezers to make them more energy efficient.
-Dial down thermostats, especially at night and when you aren’t there. Dress in layers to feel warmer wherever you go.
-Laboratories should keep fume hood sashes closed for energy saving and safety reasons.
To share these tips to your friends and family, you can email or print this flyer.
Other useful links:
Orientation Session Scheduled for MSU Smoking Cessation Program
Would you like 2012 to be the year you finally quit smoking for good? The MSU Smoking Cessation Program can help!
Olin Health Center, the Office of the University Physician-Health4U program and Human Resources have teamed up to offer you and your adult benefits-eligible family members a chance to enroll in this year-long program at a greatly reduced cost. The program combines use of the prescription medication CHANTIX with medical evaluation, monitoring and behavioral support to increase your chances of long-term success. Continue Reading… Orientation Session Scheduled for MSU Smoking Cessation Program
Job Posting of the Week 12/27/11
This week we’re highlighting an Administrative Assistant III/S position in the Department of Agricultural Food and Resource Economics (Posting #5593). Some of the job duties for this position include serving as the manager of the Food Security Group (FSG) business office; supervising and managing the work flow of support staff within that office; assisting FSG co-directors and faculty with the coordination and financial administration of FSG project grants; assisting in developing policies and procedures for operational activities and administrative functions of FSG; participating in short- and long-term financial, personnel and procedural planning; preparing cost proposals for grant applications, as well as pipeline analyses for active awards to ensure adequate funding and support project extension requests; handling appointments, reappointments and salary redistributions; and assisting in monitoring account balances and burn rates, and in developing and obtaining approval for sub-contracts. For a complete description of this position, and to view all of our current postings, please go to select Support Staff under the Fast Jobs Search.

This Week’s Event Round-Up! 12/27/11
Welcome back! Here are some events happening this week that may be of interest to MSU faculty and staff. Please visit the links for more information. Many events require registration.
Tuesday, December 27
Registration Deadline, Research and Instructional Technology Seminars for Faculty
FREE Unlimited Fitness Passes, University Club
Wednesday, December 28
U Can Quit Support Group, 12:10 p.m. – 12:50 p.m., 248 Olin Health Center
Thursday, December 29
EBS Site Lab, 9 a.m. – noon, EBSP Training Room T
FREE Group Cycling class, 5:30 p.m. – 6:15 p.m., IM West
Friday, December 30 – Monday, January 2
University Closed
“Fun Friday” Contest Winners 12/22/11
The drawing’s been held for this week’s “Fun Friday” contest a day early for the long weekend! This week’s winners are:

- Subscriber winner: Tricia Bradford from College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Comment winner: Becky Southwick from Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology & Special Education, who commented on The Best Ice Cream and Cheese Around!Continue Reading… “Fun Friday” Contest Winners 12/22/11
Happy (and Safe!) Eating
It is the time of year when there are lots of holiday gatherings where food is served. As we graze our way through potlucks, office parties, family gatherings and meals with friends, it’s good to keep some food safety tips in mind at this time of year. Many experts agree you can greatly decrease your risk of getting sick from food (or making others sick with your culinary creations) by paying attention to some food rules in the following four areas: Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill.
Clean: The first rule of food preparation is to keep things clean by washing your hands, your utensils, all surfaces that come in contact with food and some (but not all) foods thoroughly. (Avoid rinsing or washing raw meat and poultry, though, as that tends to just spread bacteria around to other surfaces.)Continue Reading… Happy (and Safe!) Eating
Time Mastery Tips, Part Two
Are there phone calls you’ve been putting off? Or a task that you just can’t decide where to begin? We’re all guilty of procrastination! Today’s time mastery tip explains Lois Wolfe-Morgan’s “do it now” principle. Check out the video with her tips here!
Look for classes on time management and other offerings by Lois-Wolfe-Morgan this spring in the SpartansLearn catalog.
Useful link: Time Mastery Tips, Part One
This Week’s Event Round-Up 12/19/11
We’ve rounded up a variety of events going on this week that may be of interest to MSU faculty and staff! Please visit the links for more information. Many events require registration.
Tuesday, December 20
Holiday Camp, 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Turner-Dodge House
FREE Group Cycling class, 5:30 p.m. – 6:15 p.m., IM West
Wednesday, December 21
Benefits/Retirement Orientation, 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m., 125 Nisbet
Thursday, December 22
FREE Group Cycling class, 5:30 p.m. – 6:15 p.m., IM West
Friday, December 23 – Sunday, December 26
University Closed
Do you have an upcoming event you’d like us to consider posting? Email us at!