Job of the Week 12/20/12

This week we’re highlighting a Student Services Assistant I position in the Counseling Center (Posting #7186). Some of the job duties for this position include working with the MSU Sexual Assault Program in the victim services area; recruiting, training and supervising crisis intervention volunteer staff; overseeing hotline and pager coverage, providing direct services, compiling and summarizing monthly data, reporting quarterly activities, scheduling and presenting in-service training, and meeting with program coordinator on a regular basis to evaluate progress of volunteers and program; serving as member of Capital Area Sexual Assault Response Team.

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For a complete description of this position, and to view all of our current postings, please go to and select Support Staff under the Fast Jobs Search.

Congratulations to MSU Moves Me Program!

The Midwest American College Sports Medicine (MWACSM) ActiveU Award is given to the university that has the most creative and sustainable collegiate program that makes physical activity an integral part of personal healthcare. After a popular 2012 movement/fitness tracking challenge, the MSU Moves Me program won the 2012 MWACSM ActiveU Award!

The MSU Moves Me 2012 challenge ran from January 23 until March 4, 2012. The program will continue to hold more activities and challenges throughout 2013!Continue Reading… Congratulations to MSU Moves Me Program!

Member Satisfaction High for Best Doctors Service

Best Doctors, Inc., a service offered to MSU employees, has gotten rave reviews in its first year at MSU. In a survey, over 90 percent of respondents gave the highest rating for the service’s overall ability to meet their needs and would recommend Best Doctors to their co-workers.

One customer wrote, “Best Doctors could not have been more professional, more concerning, or timely. I would recommend this service to anyone who is facing any medical treatment to themselves or a family member. The doctor who did my consulting call talked to my wife and I as if he was a family friend. I could not be happier except for what I have to look forward to with a complete shoulder replacement. Thank you for this wonderful service.”Continue Reading… Member Satisfaction High for Best Doctors Service

LinkedIn can connect you to more MSU alumnae

Social media has taken the world by storm, but it’s more than just a tool for connecting with friends. It’s becoming a medium for networking with colleagues and future employers/employees.

LinkedIn is a free site that allows you to build an online presence and connect with other people in your field. Your profile is essentially an in-depth version of your resume. A spot for a professional photo, achievement and skill sections, and tips on how to improve your profile are provided by the site.Continue Reading… LinkedIn can connect you to more MSU alumnae

Job of the Week 12/14/12

This week we’re highlighting a Research Administrator I position in the International Centers and Institutes unit (Posting #7147). Some of the job duties for this position include assisting with searches for new funding opportunities; proactively informing research personnel about upcoming federal and other grant deadlines; tracking,, devex and other relevant websites for upcoming procurement opportunities; providing grant and budget development assistance, including preliminary project review and budget development and justification; functioning as a team member to assemble research proposals; and coordinating a timely proposal submission process while ensuring appropriate approvals.

For a complete description of this position, and to view all of our current postings, please go to and select Support Staff under the Fast Jobs Search.

Click, scroll and MS Word tips for Windows or MAC

We all know know that double-clicking highlights a word, and some of you might know that triple-clicking highlights the whole paragraph.  But what about selecting entire columns of text in a Word document, without getting all of the text to the left and right of it? Here’s a quick tip – Hold down the Alt and left mouse button (on a Mac, option + left mouse), and drag the cursor over the section you want to select. The best part is that the text you are selecting does not even need to be formatted as a column for this to work!Man using keyboard and mouse

Scrolling up and down a  document is probably something you do every day.  Did you know you can also scroll sideways? In many versions of Excel, holding down the Shift key while scrolling will take you sideways – this is really helpful with a wide spreadsheet. In most browsers, if you hold the Shift key while scrolling backwards, you will go back through all the sites you’ve recently visited. Holding Ctrl and scrolling zooms in or out on the page you’re viewing; scroll up to zoom in, down to zoom out.  This trick will zoom the whole screen on a MAC, not just the current document.Continue Reading… Click, scroll and MS Word tips for Windows or MAC

Thank You Librarians!

Come the last week of classes, the MSU Main Library is brimming with students. Both undergrad and graduate students flock to the study spot at all hours of the day to get ready for upcoming final exams and papers. Today, we’re thanking the librarians and staff for all that they do not only during finals, but throughout the year!

By either visiting the Main Library Reference Desk or visiting their website, librarians are available to answer almost any question you can think of.Continue Reading… Thank You Librarians!

Take Advantage of Sick Child Care and Emergency Child Care

Family Resource Center’s (FRC) Sick Child Care brings quality care and peace of mind to MSU parents when their children are mildly ill. This service brings qualified home-care aids into your home to look after your ill child when you are unable to take time off work or school.

Each MSU family is eligible for 16 hours of subsidized sick child care per child, per fiscal year, to be used in blocks of three hours or more. If a family requres more than 16 hours of care they may call FRC for authorization to extend the hours of care provided, depending on the nature of the illness and recovery time. MSU subsidizes 70 percent of the cost, meaning Employees only need to pay $5.80 per hour for a home aide.Continue Reading… Take Advantage of Sick Child Care and Emergency Child Care