What do you think of when you hear the word accountability? For some people, the word conjures up negative images. (Picture a red-faced person screaming in your face “I’m holding you personally accountable for this mess!”) But accountability is not about who to blame for mistakes and it’s not just something one person dumps on another. On the contrary, accountability to ourselves and others is a crucial ingredient of success for individuals, work teams and entire organizations.
“A desire for greater accountability is a major theme that MSU employees have expressed in the surveys, focus groups, interviews and advisory group discussions held as part of the Participatory Management Initiative at MSU,” said Dawn Hecker, who leads the Organizational Development team at MSU Human Resources and also serves as a Participatory Management Initiative consultant. “We heard loud and clear that most MSU employees are proud of the work they do and care intensely about the quality of their work. They want to be held accountable for their own results and they want coworkers to be held accountable for their work as well so the entire team can succeed together.”Continue Reading… Accountability is not a four-letter word!