How Do I Find a Carpool?

If you’re feeling the pinch at the pump, you may be considering a carpool. Carpooling saves you money, time looking for a parking spot and the environment. It also offers opportunities for networking and companionship. But you may not be sure where to begin! The best place to find a carpool is through the Capital Area Transit Authority’s (CATA’s) “Clean Commute Options” program. Their program finds carpool partners and discusses other options for getting to work while saving resources. You can call CATA at 517-393-7433, email them at or visit their website.

Transportation on Campus
There are plenty of options for commuting to and around campus. Photo by University Relations.

If you’re wondering about parking with a carpool, MSU Police offers a special carpool parking permit. More details can be found on the Police website or you can call the Parking Office at 517-355-8440.

There are other commuting options besides carpooling. They include biking, taking the bus and the new Zipcar program. Whichever option fits your needs, there are plenty of cost-saving, environmentally friendly options that will get you where you need to be!

Other useful links:

Family Resource Center Commuting Page

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