A Look Into the Past: MSU Retirement Traditions

The tradition of presenting a book to retiring employees is one that MSU HR has carried on for years. Recently, a current HR employee brought in her great-grandfather’s retirement book, circa 1969, to share. Tucked inside the book’s pages were old employee photographs, images depicting the timeless beauty of MSU’s campus and a letter from President John Hannah. Also included was a pamphlet distributed at MSU’s Seventh Annual Retirement and Service Award Ceremony. This recognition program, an integral part of MSU’s dedication to honoring hardworking employees, still occurs annually each spring. Now, employees are able to select a personal gift that fits their unique preferences.

While many years have passed since the first retirement books were passed out (53, to be exact) it is important to note that MSU has stayed true in its values. Technology, fashion and the community are things that change with time, yet MSU’s dedication to employee appreciation is something that will not falter.

President's Letter
A letter from MSU President John A. Hannah
Seventh Annual Retirement Program pamphlet.
Seventh Annual Retirement Program pamphlet
MSU’s campus circa 1960

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