MSU no longer sponsors Lynda.com memberships, but individual or department memberships are available at Lynda.com.
Do you want to access great training in all of today’s most popular software programs – absolutely free – and from the comfort of your very own workstation? Then meet your new best friend Lynda (Lynda.com that is!)
Lynda.com is a library containing more than 53,000 video tutorials. Topics include Adobe applications, Microsoft Office programs, open source software, Macintosh applications, multimedia, Web design, programming and much more!
Most mere mortals have to pay to access the great resources at Lynda.com – but being a Spartan definitely has its advantages! The good folks at Libraries, Computing and Technology (LCT) are subsidizing free access to the Lynda.com library for all full- and part-time MSU faculty and staff, graduate assistants, and College of Law faculty and staff.
Don’t just go straight to Lynda.com though. To get to the goods for free, you have to access the site through this address: http://train.msu.edu/lynda/index.htm. Just go to this page, click the “Go to lynda.com” link and sign in with your MSU Net ID.
Thanks to our friends at LCT for offering up yet another great service to the MSU community!
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