Training, education and ongoing professional development is very important to your ongoing success at MSU. This category highlights professional development news, views and opportunities.
A 2014 FBI study revealed that 7.5 percent of active violence incidents between 2000 and 2013 occurred in institutions of higher education. Roughly 60 percent of all active violence incidents ended before police arrived.
Instructors from the MSU Police will provide instruction on how to identify these behaviors of concern, how to act upon suspicions, and how to react in an active violence incident to maximize survival chances. Participants will also learn how police respond to these dangerous situations.
Find out more about the course and learn how to register on the PDS website.
Michigan State University is a leading research institution that aims to make the world a better place by solving current and future problems through research and education. MSU relies on support staff to enable these efforts on a daily basis. However, with so many departments and employees, it’s not surprising that employees can lose sight of the university’s greater purpose.
It’s only human for individuals of an organization to become disinterested or unengaged in their work if they are not invested in the success of their employer. The upcoming Professional Development course, “Creating a Culture of Commitment,” provides supervisors with the tools to inspire employees to contribute to the success of departments within MSU, and the university as a whole.
Attending this course can assist supervisors with the continuous feedback, coaching and development stage of Performance Excellence, as well. Supervisors will learn how to motivate employees during this stage with the knowledge that their individual work strengthens their department, which in turn supports the ongoing efforts of MSU.
A 55-day hiring process schedule used by Total Compensation and Wellness.
The Total Compensation and Wellness office within MSU Human Resources has established process improvements for hiring support staff at the university. Hiring managers and staffing coordinators that were unable to attend any of the presentations going over the process updates are encouraged to review the information by watching the narrated video and reading the presentation PDF and timeline document available on the HR website.
The presentation explains the rules and guidelines for the posting process and how to submit hiring recommendations.
If you have any additional questions, contact the Solutions Center at or call 517-353-4434.
Michigan State University has launched Performance Excellence, the new performance management process for support staff. Performance Excellence is designed as a three-part continuous cycle that enables ongoing feedback and support for employees.
Training for all supervisors and support staff  is now available in elevateU and should be completed, at the very latest, by the end of February. The training program will review the process and the skills needed to carry out Performance Excellence effectively. Training will take approximately 35 minutes to complete. An average score of at least 75 percent correct on the post-topic questions and final test is needed to be considered complete. Once that is accomplished, you can print a certificate of completion.Continue Reading… Performance Excellence training available now
On behalf of Michigan State University, MSU Human Resources has launched Performance Excellence, the new performance management program that will replace the current Performance Development Program. If MSU is to continue to be a leading research university, talented staff who are continually developing their skills to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world are needed.
Performance Excellence includes the following three important stages:
Performance Planning and Goal Setting
Continuous Feedback, Coaching and Development
Annual Performance Review
Employees will move to the Performance Excellence program in 2016.
There are two key items to note during the transition from the old process to the new process:
Performance Excellence will have new forms to aid in this process. For annual reviews that are due between January 1, through June 30, 2016, supervisors and staff will use the new Annual Review form with the current rating system (which is included on the PDF form). On July 1, the rating system will change to four performance levels and the Annual Review form will reflect those changes for reviews due from July 1 forward.
Beginning in January, after an Annual Review form is completed, supervisors and staff must also complete the Performance Planning form, either on the same day as the review, or within 30 days of the review.
All support staff and those who supervise support staff need to complete an online class on Performance Excellence. The class will be available in mid-January and will be accessed through elevateU. MSU HR will announce when the class is available.
For detailed information about the Performance Excellence process, additional learning opportunities, forms, tools for employees and supervisors, and much more, please visit the Performance Excellence website.
If you have questions regarding rollout of the program in your area, contact your college or division-level HR representative.
The upcoming Skillsoft Live Event, free to MSU employees through elevateU, focuses on a particular human quality that affects your everyday thoughts and actions.
elevateU offers thousands of online resources for free to MSU employees
On Wednesday, December 2 at noon EST, Travis Bradberry will present “Emotional Intelligence 2.0: Taking Your Game to the Next Level.” His presentation will take place in San Diego, but you can get a front row seat through your computer screen.
Bradberry is the award-winning coauthor of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and the cofounder of TalentSmart, the world’s leading provider of emotional intelligence tests and training services. Emotional Intelligence is ability of an individual to recognize their own and other people’s emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. It is responsible for 58 percent of your job performance. Bradberry will enable you to capitalize on your emotional intelligence and in turn improve the overall quality of you decision-making skills, leadership capabilities and much more.
You can view this presentation live and for free through elevateU. You do not have to sign up in advance; log in to EBS, select your ESS tab, click the Professional Development link and then the elevateU link. Once you are in elevateU, click the title of the presentation in “Live Events” under “Upcoming Events” in the home page before the presentation begins.
Congratulations to Mindy Nienhouse, the 2015 recipient of the Michigan State University Clerical-Technical Award!
From left to right, Clerical-Technical Union President Deb Bittner, MSU Human Resouces Assistant Vice President Sharon E. Butler, award recipient Mindy Nienhouse and director emeritus of the MSU Study Abroad program Dr. Charles Gliozzo at the 2015 CT Award ceremony.
The Clerical-Technical Award is sponsored by the Thomas and Concettina Gliozzo Endowment Fund and recognizes outstanding clerical-technical employees. For six years Mindy has done amazing work with the College of Human Medicine, and she embodies the ideals emphasized in the award. These include respect for everyone in the workplace, concern for students, faculty, staff and colleagues, providing significant contributions to the community and innovative thinking.
Mindy exhibits these qualities every day as she juggles two clerkships, two elective rotations, serving as the administrative assistant to the Emergency Medicine department and the variety of additional responsibilities that Mindy has volunteered to take on. In her nomination, one faculty member wrote that she is “innovative, creative, and has an amazing capacity to complete her own work diligently, while still taking time to help others in the unit.”
Outside of work, Mindy serves as a youth counselor, advocates for healthy living and fundraises for important causes. One staff member wrote, “What is impressive is that her fundraising efforts are typically not a requirement of any of the races – her fundraising is a result of her own care and passion.”
Watch this video to learn more about Mindy and her work with the College of Human Medicine.
Mindy’s efforts were recognized at an award ceremony in Grand Rapids attended by her family, colleagues and Human Resources staff. Congratulations and thank you to Mindy Nienhouse for serving MSU, your colleagues and your community!
“Influencer” is one of thousands of texts available through ElevateU
Do you want to create a lasting impression among your colleagues and enact change within your organization? You have the ability, but just might lack the in-depth knowledge of behavior necessary to influence those around you.
Attend the Professional Development Services “Influencer” session to learn how to be more effective in your everyday interactions and create strategies for lasting change. You will learn a proven model for creating change by applying six sources of influence. Find the root/real causes behind behavior problems, effectively motivate and enable others regardless of formal authority. The information in this two-day session is founded on tested research and case studies from trusted professionals. This session is in 10 Nisbet on Wednesday, October 21, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday, October 23, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with attendance required both days.
You can also read the book that this class is based on, “Influencer,” for free through ElevateU. “Influencer” is a New York Times bestseller that will empower any reader, regardless of background, skill level or profession, to create inevitable change through influence. It was written by distinguished scholars and behavioral scientists.
Use these resources provided through MSU to take control of your influence!
Do you want to learn in a way that’s free, easy and convenient? The e-learning resource elevateU, provided by HR’s Professional Development Services and IT Services, offers free online instructional guides, videos, books and even courses. The tools available in elevateU focus on improving overall work performance, with topics ranging from the development of interpersonal skills to computer literacy.
Summer is a great time to catch up on reading. With elevateU, you will never be short of free books. The resource includes Books 24×7, a platform that boasts on-demand access to thousands of books, research reports, best practices and more. On Books 24×7, you can make notations and bookmarks, receive email alerts about new arrivals of books related to your interests, and read on tablets and smart phones. ElevateU will enhance your career through professional certification programs and quizzes.
If you want to sample elevateU before diving into courses and creating development plans, you can try watching the 7-12 minute business impact videos that dramatize frequently encountered business problems and provide solutions. You can also partake in a 15-20 minute challenge in which you analyze and solve a problem. Check out an overview of the elevateU resources here. For a more in-depth and MSU-specific explanation, watch this video.
All MSU faculty and staff can use elevateU. To access elevateU, log in to EBS, click on the ESS tab, and then click on Professional Development. Look for the elevateU link under Training Opportunities.
One of the benefits of working at a university is the ability to work with those attending it. Students bring fresh ideas and skills to the workplace, but working with them can present new challenges and require different methods of supervision.
From June 15 to 18, HR’s Professional Development Services will be hosting the Foundations of Student Employee Supervision Certificate Series. You can take individual courses or all four, which will result in a Certificate of Completion. All courses are located in 10 Nisbet Building.
MSU Greenline 2013 staff and students. Photo courtesy of Communications and Brand Strategy.
Learn the ins and outs of supervising MSU’s greatest resource this month!
Prohibited Harassment: Student Employees
Monday, June 15, 2015 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Investment: Free
Learn how to upholding the university’s policy on prohibited harassment by recognizing and responding to a range of prohibited harassment issues that might arise at work.
Hiring Student Employees at MSU
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 9:30 a.m. – noon
Investment: Free
The hiring process can be lengthy and requires knowledge of correct procedures and forms. This course will guide you through the paperwork and the best ways to communicate with new student employees.
Foundation of Student Employee Success
Thursday, June 18, 2015, 9 a.m. – noon
Investment: $100
Work experience is fantastic learning opportunity for students. Find out how to prepare student employees for their future careers, with lunch provided.
Motivating Student Employees
Thursday, June 18, 2015, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Investment: $100
Regular and student employees are at different points in their lives, and as such require different ways to be motivated. Enjoy the provided lunch while learning the best ways to motivate student employees.