Have you wanted to increase your amount of daily movement? Do you have health and fitness goals you’re striving to reach? The MSU Moves program can help! MSU Moves is a customized, online movement/fitness tracking system with the goal of encouraging participants to maintain or increase the amount of physical activity they engage in on a daily/weekly basis. MSU Moves is open to MSU faculty, staff, graduate student employees, retirees and their spouses/OEIs.
![SL_2011_WW_MSUMovesOverview MSU Moves Website Screen Shot](http://sourcelive.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/sl_2011_ww_msumovesoverview.jpg?resize=500%2C447)
The MSU Moves program isn’t just for the already athletic. Anyone who wants to be involved in movement or fitness can join and benefit from the program. The program activities reflect the understanding that all movement counts. Activities range from jogging to grocery shopping, from weightlifting to folding laundry. You can expand your types of movement at your comfort level. No one is grading you and your information is confidential. The system gives you a clear understanding of how much or how little you are moving.
MSU Moves also will enhance your understanding of how exercise relates to your overall health and wellness. The website displays many campus resources available to help you reach your overall health goals.
If you’re ready to monitor or increase your movement, get moving with MSU Moves today!
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