Every year there is a staff member chosen as the winner of the Clerical-Technical Recognition Award. This winner exemplifies a respect and concern for all members of the MSU community, diligence in daily work, significant contributions to the community or public service and innovative thinking. The 2013 winner of this respected honor is Barbara Sweeney, an Office Assistant III for the Animal Science Department at MSU.

Barbara (also known as Barb) has worked at the University for 40 years. After graduating from MSU in 1974 with a degree in Elementary Education, she began her career as a secretary in the MSU Department of Animal Science, Horse Extension Office. Since then Barbara has advanced several times in her career at MSU. She currently processes payroll for over 100 students and on-call/temporary employees. She also serves as the department lead for student hiring.
MSU Human Resources talked with Barbara to get her thoughts on winning the 2013 Clerical–Technical Recognition Award.
Q. What do you enjoy most about working here?
A. The thing I most enjoy about working at MSU is the people. Faculty, staff and students come from such varied and interesting backgrounds. It is especially rewarding to meet students when they arrive at MSU and watch them mature, gain knowledge and develop skills that will aid them in becoming successful in their various careers.
Q. What did you think when you first learned that you had won the 2013 Clerical–Technical Recognition Awards?
A. When Jackie Mussell called to tell me that I had won the 2013 Clerical-Technical Recognition Award, I was quite surprised. I was not aware that I had been nominated.
Q. Who were the people that nominated you for the award?
A. My supervisor, Sandy Bailey submitted the nomination with supporting letters from Dr. Steven Bursian, Dr. Miriam Weber Nielsen, Dr. Dale Rozeboom and Dr. Janice Siegford.
Q. What were some highlights for you from the award ceremony on Oct. 10?
A. The award ceremony brought many highlights. It was such a pleasure to meet Dr. and Mrs. Gliozzo and their daughter. They are so kind and humble, and their appreciation of the role support staff plays in the success of the University is very evident. Having my mother Ruby Vincent, who recently celebrated her 90th birthday; attend, along with my husband Pete and long-time friends, Nancy Thelen and Janel Horrocks-Boehmer, meant a lot to me. I truly appreciated Dean Poston, Dr. Janice Swanson and so many Animal Science faculty and staff expressing their support by attending the ceremony. In addition, I enjoyed meeting and visiting with members of the awards committee, CTU representatives and HR staff. Sharon Butler, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, provided a trip down memory lane as she summarized my career at MSU. Finally, I would be amiss if I did not mention the wonderful job Jackie Mussell did in planning a very memorable celebration.
Q. What did winning this award mean to you?
A. While winning this award is such an honor, it is also quite humbling, as I know there are many talented and dedicated support staff across campus that are committed to the MSU mission and very deserving of recognition for their efforts.