MSU faculty, staff, retirees and benefits-eligible dependents now have access to Best Doctors, a clinically-based service to help you easily and confidentially get second opinions from medical experts all around the nation.
Facing a serious diagnosis or making decisions about surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or any number of other complex treatment options can be overwhelming, but Best Doctors can help.
When you call Best Doctors at 1-866-904-0910, they’ll discuss your situation with you and then, with your permission, they will collect your medical records and consult with medical experts around the nation who specialize in diagnosing and treating the condition you are facing. They will provide you with a detailed report and treatment recommendations to help you answer all the questions you may have. And, if you want them to, they will even consult with your own physician to make sure your diagnosis is correct and your care plan is likely to give you the best results possible. Best Doctors doesn’t replace your own doctor’s care. Rather, it gives you an additional expert advisor to help you navigate complex medical information and options.
There is no out-of-pocket cost to you for using this new service and it is completely confidential. Information about this new benefit is being mailed to all eligible faculty, staff and retirees. A copy of the information being mailed also is available now at: http://www.hr.msu.edu/benefits/benefits_docs/BestDoctorsKit.pdf
Access to this program came about as part of an ongoing collaborative effort involving the MSU Joint Health Care Committee (JHCC), faculty committees and MSU Human Resources. These groups continuously work together to identify innovative health care solutions for MSU that improve quality and help constrain health care costs.
The next time you and your family face a difficult or important medical decision, please consider giving Best Doctors a call.